[ To Make Milk-Water, Very Useful in All Sorts of Fevers and Consumptions ]
Date: Published sometime in 1791. | 1791/01/01 to 1791/12/31
Nova Scotia Calender, or an Almanack [...] by Metonicus (print)
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Reference: AK.AY.N85M / No Microfilm Available
A milk-based concoction for treating fevers and consumption.
To make Milk-water, very useful in
all sorts of Fevers and consump-
Take of cardus, two handfuls;
of rue, goat’s rue, angelica, worm-
wood, mint, and balm, of each
one handful; put them all, being
well bruised, into a cold still, with
a gallon of milk, and draw off with
a very gentle fire, lest it should run
thick; you may draw off almost
three quarts, drink a glass of it at
any time, sweetened with sugar.
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