[ Lime-Water Cure for the Stone ] Mather Byles
Date: 1783/09/23
Byles Papers
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Almon Family Fonds
| Reference: Microfilm Reel 10,116
A description of using lime-water to expel bladder stones. Letter dated 23 September 1783 from Rev. Dr. Mather Byles to his sisters. See also Byles' "Treatment and Precaution for Being Disordered" and "Blackberry Jelly to Treat Nephritic Complaints" as well as the Almon Family Scrapbook's "Receipt to Make Blackberry Jelly: An Approved Medicine for Nephritic Disorders."
Time into Eternity! On the 12th. by the Advice of my Physicians,
I began to drink Lime-Water. On the 13th. I discharged for-
midable Calculus: & on the 14th. a second, with many cir-
cumstances of Distress & Horror. It would be the most crimi-
nal Ingratitude in me not to add that the merciful Interpo-
sition of a kind Providence was very visible & remarkable.
Since this, I have been easy: & my Strength is recruiting. I still
continue the Lime Water: but am unable to procure any Shell-
Lime, which I am told is preferable to Stone. [...]
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