[ An Admirable Receipt for a Consumption ]
Date: 1774/05/03
Nova Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Nova Scotia Newspapers on Microfilm
| Reference: Consult the Nova Scotia Archives' "Nova Scotia Newspapers on Microfilm" list (Royal Gazette) for a complete account of microfilm reels for this paper. EMMR includes recipes from Microfilm Reels 990, 8155, 8156, 8158, 8162
A cure for consumption with ingredients with origins around the world. Vol. 4 No. 189. Microfilm Reel 8155.
An Admirable RECEIPT for a Consumption.
TAKE of Madeira (or good generous Moun-
tain) wine, two quarts; balsams of Gilead
and Tolu, each two ounces; gum olibanum in
tears, (groisly powdered) two ounces; flowers of
Benjamin, half an ounce. Let the mixture stand
near the fire for three or four days, frequently shak-
ing the vessel; then add thereto, of Narbonne ho-
ney, four ounces; extract of Canadian maiden
hair, eight ounces. Shake the bottle well, and
strain off the liquor. The dose, two tea spoonfuls
to be taken once in four hours, in coltsfoot-tea, or
water, sweetened with capillaire.
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