[ Cure in Scurvy ] Dr. William James Almon
Date: Late 18th century; exact date unknown.
Manuscript Notebook of Dr. William James Almon
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Almon Family Fonds
| Reference: MG 1 / Microfilm Reel 10,045
Recommendations for treating scurvy when no lemons are available, p. 64.
There are three Indications of Cure in Scurvy,
Correcting the putrid Diathesis In restoring the strength of the Patient To palliate the SymptomsThe Haust. Saline in a state of fermentation is
much recommended by Dr. Saunders in this
Disease__ but as a Lemon cannot always be
had he advises to effervise Cream Tartar with
an Alkali _ this throws out much fixed
Air and upon this principle it does good
in these cases _
A Fotus of Horse Reddish is good in edematous
swelling of the Legs of scrobutic patients _
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