Remedy for Stomach Ailment

[ Remedy for Stomach Ailment ] John MacDonald

Contributor Role
Contributor Name
John MacDonald

Date: 1789/09/12

Publication Format


Prince Edward Island
St. John's Island

Source: Macdonald Family (St. Peter’s) Papers
Institution: Prince Edward Island Public Archives | Reference: Acc2664


These instructions appear at the end of a letter dated 12 September 1789 from John MacDonald to his sister Nelly:  "I will conclude with what I feel most interesting to me, and that is your health, which I am sorry to know from your letter, as well as from Mr. Robertson who arrived the other day from Quebec, is not what I would wish it to be."  John MacDonald is in London, while his sister lives on the island.  Acc. 2664, no. 16, p. 10.

All uses of this image other than research or private study require written permission from the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island.


From what I suspect, the ailment lies chiefly

in your stomach. For this I advise you to keep your mind as

easy as possible: nothing disturbs the nerves, or impedes the

proper digestion of your aliment so much as anxiety of mind --

Keep yourself as snugg & warm in winter, as you may find

necessary -- Suppose you should use a flannel shift -- In good

days, I think it would be good for you to take as much walking

or exercise, between noon & dinner time, in the open air, as

will not fatigue you -- Be always careful to avoid being

fatigued, & in the house it is better to stir now & then up &

down, than constant sitting.

With regard to diet, that, which you

find [by] experience to agree with you, is best. Hot tea, soups &

broths, as well as the fat of meat, are generally too heavy for a

relaxed or weak stomach, and in the same manner as sour

things, should be avoided -- All light victuals, such as fowls

and roasted meat are best.  I eat no butter to break fast myself,

but in the place of it, I take dry toasted bread & a soft egg -- much

greens or roots are neither good for a weak stomach --

When you take Exercise, be careful not to catch cold after it, that

is to say, instead of sitting down immediately, you may stirr

about thro the house, until you cool gradually: I will please God

take out with me what I may suppose to suit your stomach.

God bless you, & believe me to be your affectionate

brother while John MacDonald.

London 12th September 1789 

This word is not visible in the image but is taken from the transcription in the Provincial Archives of PEI.