[ A Remedy for Contracted Limbs from Dr. Lobb ] Dr. William James Almon
Date: Late 18th century; exact date unknown.
Manuscript Notebook of Dr. William James Almon
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Almon Family Fonds
| Reference: MG 1 / Microfilm Reel 10,045
A recipe for treating contracted limbs with a mixture of egg yolk and water, p. 101.
a Remedy for
contracted Limbs
from Dr. Lobb
used by him
with success.
[The best] {...} [is made with] {...}
[Soap and Aloes the best remedy for:] {...} [.~ ]
Tincture of [Myrrh] & Aloes_ {...}
[in state of Vapors has done much good in bruises.]
Take the Yolk of a new laid Egg, let it be beaten with
a spoon to the greatest thinness, then by a spoonf-
-ul at a time add three ounces of pure water agit-
-ating the mixture continually that the Egg
and water may be well incorporated; this
Liquor may be applied to the parts contracted,
cold or only milk warm, by a gentle friction
for a few minutes, three or four times a day.
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