[ Remedy to be Administered in Cases of Swallowing Pins or Fish Bones ] Dr. William James Almon
Date: 1786/12/05
Manuscript Notebook of Dr. William James Almon
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Almon Family Fonds
| Reference: MG 1 / Microfilm Reel 10,045
A remedy for dislodging pins and fish bones using egg emetics, pp. 79-80. The remedy was evidently transcribed from the December 5, 1786 issue of the Halifax Gazette, and later appeared as a slightly expanded version under the above title in The Monthly Monitor and Philanthropic Museum, Vol. 2 (Haddington: George Miller and Son, 1815), p. 280. Original source unknown.
1{...} {...} keeping Pins in the mouth {...} successful method of relief by Dr. Turnbul, from the Halifax Gazette December 5 .. 1786 _.The swallowing of pins has often been the cause of many
grave and dangerous effects, and it is presumed often fatal;
for upon dissecting the Patients who appeared from the
Symptoms to have died of the iliac passion, cholic, &
they have been found to have died of pains been killed
by pins &c. In April, 1777 a Young Woman who had
swallowed a very large pin (which stuck far [in]
that part of the esophagus, which enters into
the thorax) was brought to the Hospital at Bambrough
Castle, Northumberland. As I then had the
[honor] of the princiapal management of that
Hospital, I was sent for and found the Patient in
great pain. Having some time before considered
the nature of this accident and concluded that
if any thing could be given, that would pass easily,
and when in the stomach coagulate into a [glaisy]
mass, it might probably bring up any thing lodged
in the passage. Immediately gave her four grains
of Tartar Emetic dissolved in warm water, and then
made her swallow the whites of six Eggs, and in
about three minutes she brought up the coagulated
mass, with the pin and was effectually achieved._
The same method so as attended with similar success
in an instance nearly ressembling the above.
A Maid servant in Scotland, went to bed with [twenty]
four pins in her Mouth, the consequences of
which was, that in the night the family
the family was alarmed with her cries. Mr Baillie
|her master| order’d her an Emetic and the whites of
the Eggs as above, and the whole number of [pins]
came up, and are now preserved in the family,
as a curiosity._ The same method I have used with
success for fish and other sharp bones.
Mr. Turnbul, M D.
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