[ Dr. Ward's and Dr. Saunder's Remedies for Dropsy / A Recipe from Sir Benjamin Strange by Dr. Carmichael Smith ] Dr. William James Almon
Date: Late 18th century; exact date unknown.
Manuscript Notebook of Dr. William James Almon
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Almon Family Fonds
| Reference: MG 1 / Microfilm Reel 10,045
Methods used by Doctors Ward and Saunders for treating dropsy, followed by a recipe by Dr. Carmichael Smith transcribed by Sir Benjamin Strange, p. 71. It is unclear whether the latter recipe is intended to treat dropsy or another ailment.
Jalap & Cream Tartar twice a week was the
great Doctor Ward’s Remedy for a Dropsy --
Dr. Saunders recommends an Infusion of the
Rad: [Scuper Sere] -- He also uses the Elaterium
with great success --
A Receipe from
Sir Benjamin
Strange Ben
Dr. [--] Carmichael
Take of Mustard Seed bruised half an Ounce, of Horsereddish
scraped fine two drachms, of squills two drachms shred fine,
These Ingredients must be put into a quart of Sherry or Madeira
and kept at the side of a fire for 48 hours, shaking the bottle
frequently, then strain it off and take a tea cupful of it
Morning and evening.
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