[ A Certain Radical Cure for the Scurvy ] A.R.
Date: 1793/01/30
Royal Gazette and Miscellany of the Island of Saint John
Institution: University Of New Brunswick
| Source Origin: Harriet Irving Library Microfilms (HIL-MIC)
A cure for the scurvy that is said to better than "those famous expensive drops."
A certain radical Cure for the SCURVY.
It has proved most effectual in this tor-
menting disorder, attended with irritation,
continual blotches in the face, &c. after
every other application has failed, and par-
ticularly those famous expensive drops,
ad other nostrums, whose reputation the
writer hereof has found to be much superior
to their merit, he therefore desires, from the
sole principle of humanity, that what he
has experienced to be so great a benefit,
may be universally known, for it came to
his knowledge by mere accident.
"Take two ounces of cream of tartar
"one ounce of Sulphur, one ounce of
"AEthiops mineral; pound them fine,
"and mix them in half a pound of
"treacle, taking half a spoonful an
"hour after breakfast, and the same
"quantity going to rest; if this should
"purge too much, take it only once in
"24 hours, every evening. Continue
"the practice, and the effect will soon
"demonstrate its utility."
Mr. Printer, This I was desired to copy,
and tend to you, that you might insert the
same in your paper, for the benefit of the
afflicted, by a subscriber. Your's, A.R.
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