[ An Approv'd Method to Preserve the Fine Flavour of Butter ]
Date: Published sometime in 1799. | 1799/01/01 to 1799/12/31
Nova Scotia Calender, or an Almanack [...] by Metonicus (print)
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Reference: AK.AY.N85M / No Microfilm Available
Instructions for using a mixture of salts in making butter.
Extract from the Proceedings of the Burlington Society.
AN approv’d Method to preserve the fine flavour of Butter, and
to prevent its growing rancid.
To a Peck of fine Salt take one ounce of crude Sal ammoniac
two ounces of Saltpetre both finely powdered and mix them
intimately with fine Salt : With this Salt work your Butter,
until the Butter Milk is entirely extracted, then pack it in Wooden
Firkins salting it with the same mixed Salt to such a degree as to be
palatable when eat with Bread, and no Salter, this mixture is
stronger than fine Salt, of consequence something less is required.
By order of the Society,
Wm. COX, Sec’ry.
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