Effectual Cure for the Stone

[ Effectual Cure for the Stone ] A Unnamed Enslaved Man

Contributor Role
Contributor Name
A Unnamed Enslaved Man
Contributor Role
Contributor Name
Daniel Roberdeau
Contributor Role
Contributor Name
Richard Major

Date: 1794/04/15

Publication Format


red onion

Nova Scotia
Loudon County

Source: Royal Gazette and the Nova Scotia Advertiser.
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives | Source Origin: Nova Scotia Newspapers on Microfilm | Reference: Consult the Nova Scotia Archives' "Nova Scotia Newspapers on Microfilm" list (Royal Gazette) for a complete account of microfilm reels for this paper. EMMR includes recipes from Microfilm Reels 8162, 8163, 8165, and 8167.


A remedy for bladder stone purchased from an enslaved man with an account of its efficacy. Vol. VI, No. 261. Microfilm Reel 8166.


          From the COLUMBIAN CENTINEL,
      Mr. RUSSEL, 
TO alleviate the felicities of life, ought to be
one of the great objects of a newspaper editor--
You will then, promote this object, by giving place to
the following:--Extracted from a late ALEXANDRIA
paper.         ____________
        EFFECTUAL CURE for the STONE.
    Mr. PRINTER,
    THROUGH the channel of your paper, I request a
publication of the following cure for the Stone by dis-
solution, together with the circumstances of its attesta-
tion. The gentleman by whose consent and desire, and
upon whose authority subsequent facts are offered to the
public, is a Mr. RICHARD MAJOR, of Loudon coun-
ty, in this state, minister of the gospel in the baptist
society; a man of integrity and much respected. Be-
ing in company with him some few days ago, I had the
following relation from his own mouth: “That having
for a number of years been afflicted with this painful
disease, he was at length informed that a certain physi-
cian, his name unknown, labouring under the same
complaint, being at Berkley springs, a negro man there
proffered to cure him. This he at first disregarded, but
expecting a speedy dissolution unless some aid could be
obtained, afterwards sent for the negro, who agreed to
cure him for three pounds. He accordingly undertook
and in a short time effectually eradicated the disorder.
The physician then gave him his choice of freedom by
purchase, in lieu of the contract betwixt them, on con-
dition that he would disclose the means of the cure; to
which the slave agreed.
      “The receipt is the expressed juice of horsemint and
of red onions; one gill of each to be taken every mor-
ning and evening until the complaint be removed.
     “That he, Mr. MAJOR, being urged to a trial of
the above mentioned remedy, submitted to it, though
with some reluctance, as he conceived his term of life
to be but short at most. Not having it in his power to
procure green mint, so as to get the juice, he used in-
stead thereof a strong decoction of the dried herb: In
other respects strictly adhering to the above prescription
which had the desired effect. He began the experiment
in August, ‘92, and within one week he had ocular
demonstration of dissolution by the slightest touch of a
particle that had passed from him, which continued
so to do without pain or the least obstruction until the
stone was entirely dissolved, and the cure completely
effectuated before the ensuing spring. That from the
time the disorder began to yield as aforesaid, he daily
recovered health, strength and flesh, and was in as good
plight as ever, age excepted, being at the time first above
mentioned 72 years of age, with the appearance to me, 
corresponding with his own account, and as he further
said without the slightest attack of the disorder from the
time he began to use the above means of cure.” This, 
at his request, is communicated with great pleasure to
the public by                           DANIEL ROBERDEAU.