[ [Latin] Electaria ] William Paine
Date: This recipe is from a notebook dated 1782. | 1782/01/01 to 1782/12/31
William Paine Papers
Institution: University Of New Brunswick
| Source Origin: Loyalist Collection
| Reference: MIC-Loyalist FC LFR.P3W5P3
These recipes are on page 9 in what is catalogued as a medical tract, a pharmacopoeia in Latin, dated 1782. Reel 1. Image courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society.
X Elect: Lenitiv: P: Lond:
Elect: Lenitiv: compositum.
Rx Elect: Lenitiv li. i. Pulv: Rad: Jalap ℥i.
X Sal Vitri. ℥ij: Surup [sic] zingib. q[uantum] s[ufficit]
Dosis a Drach ʒi: ad Drach ʒiv: pro re
Elect: stomachicum.
Rx Conserv: Cynosbat: ℥iv: Pulv: Rad:
Zingib: ʒij: Pulv: Rad: Gent: ʒiij:
Sal Martis ℈ij: Symp: \an/ q[uantum] s[ufficit] Dosis
a scrup: i bis terue die ad semidrachmam
4tis horis_____
Electarium e Scammonio.
Rx Elect Lenitiv li. ss: Scammonii ʒiij: Crema: Tartaris ℥j: Zingiberis ℥ss: Syr Zingib. q[uantum] s[ufficit]
Dosis a Drachma ad Drachmas duas____
Lenitive Electuary. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis
Composite of Lenitive Electuary
Recipe: 1 pound of Lenitive electuary, 1 ounce of powdered jalap root, 2 ounces of sal vitri [anatron], as much as ginger syrup as needed.
Dose: from 1 dram to 4 drams according to need.
Stomach Electuary
Recipe: 4 ounces of rosehip conserves, 2 drams of powdered ginger root, 3 drams of powdered root of gentian, 2 scruples of sal martis, 1ferrous sulphate as much [Symp an ??] as needed.
Dose: from 1 scruple twice or three times a day up to a half dram every four hours.
Electuary of Scammony
Recipe: ½ pound of Lenitive electuary, 3 drams of scammony, 1 ounce of cream of tartar, ½ ounce of ginger, as much ginger syrup as needed.
Dose: from a dram to two drams.
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