[ [Latin] Bolus ] William Paine
Date: This recipe is from a notebook dated 1782. | 1782/01/01 to 1782/12/31
William Paine Papers
Institution: University Of New Brunswick
| Source Origin: Loyalist Collection
| Reference: MIC-Loyalist FC LFR.P3W5P3
These recipes are on page 4 in what is catalogued as a medical tract, a pharmacopoeia in Latin, dated 1782. Reel 1. Image courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society.
+ Bolus Sudorificus 1This recipe for a bolus sudorificus is similar to but simpler than that found in Pharmacopoeia Pauperum, in usum Nosocomii Regii Edinburgensis. Third Edition (Edinburgh, 1768), 13: “Bolus sudorificus. Rx Nitri, Sal. polychresti, aa gr. xii. Ipecacuanhæ gr. vi. Opii gr. iii. Syr. papav. albi q. s. M.” However, there are many contemporary recipes for “sudorifics”, generally based on opium with other ingredients.
Rx Pulv. Scoer. ʒss. Conf. Cardiac. q[uantum] s[ufficit]. Fiat Bolus Hora somni sumendum.
+ Bolus e Scrordio – [sic]
Rx Spec. e Scordio sine Opio. gr. XV:
Theriaca Gr. X: Syr. Alb. q[uantum] s[ufficit]: F[iat] Bolus post singulas sedes repetandas___
+ Bolus e Camphora
Rx Camphore pulv. ℈ss. Conserv: Fructus
Cynosbati: ℈i. Camphora 2The description after the recipe (but not the recipe itself) is copied, it seems, from “Julepum e Camphora” in Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1761), 76. https://books.google.ca/books?id=7cFfkXoiMiYC&pg. primum cum
paulo spiritu vinoso rectificato teratur
deinde cum conserva donec perfecte misceantur.
Sudorific Pill
Recipe: ½ dram of powder of scordium [?], as much cordial confection as needed.
Make a pill, to be taken at the hour of sleep.
Scordium Pill
Recipe: 15 grains of species of scordium without opium, 10 grains of theriac, as much white syrup as needed. Have a pill made, after each repeated seat [stool].
Camphor Pill
Recipe: Powder of camphor, ½ scruple. Conserve of rosehip fruits, 1 pound [?]. Camphor is first mixed with a little rectified vinous spirit, then let it be mixed with the conserves until perfected.
Translation by Winston Black
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