[ Thick Ginger Bread ]
Date: Dates are for the weekly publication. | 1765/11/21 to 1765/11/28
Halifax Gazette
Institution: Nova Scotia Archives
| Source Origin: Nova Scotia Newspapers on Microfilm
| Reference: Microfilm Reels 8152, 8166
Recipe for gingerbread. Vol. 11, No. 231. Microfilm Reel 8152.
Thick Ginger Bread.
A Pound and a half of flour takes up one
of treacle, almost as much sugar, an ounce
of beaten ginger, two ounces of caraway seeds,
four ounces of citron, and lemon peel candied,
the yolks of four eggs; cut your sweet meats,
mix all, and bake it in large cakes, on tin plates.
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